Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Home today!

Dad is coming home from hospital today. He has had another 12L tapped and will come home with a bag attached to him and an open wound so the fluid can drain out of him more freely than in hospital. With that though, comes a risk of infection; but we have found every single road we take has one risk or another.

He can no longer go on duretics because his kidneys will no longer tolerate them; they shut down and nearly killed him not so long ago. So, taps, along with the risk of infection, is the order of the day.

He sounds great and really with it today. Some days he's a bit slow; the encephalopathy messes with his short term memory. But sometimes, like this morning, he's great.

We are expecting him to be admitted probably next Friday. Not because we're pessimists; but we have to be realistic with these things too.

Next Wednesday, he has to have a gastroscopy for his liver transplant profile. This entails all sorts of anti-liver disease things; fasting, low fluid and a liquid that makes him go to the toilet a great deal. Given it's such a fine balance keeping him well at the minute, this test is pretty much guaranteed to put him back into hospital. May even be Thursday; but such is life.

On the flip side; this is one of the final tests that is required for the liver transplant unit. From here, we sit down with the surgeons who decide A. whether he is a suitable candidate for a transplant, B. whether they are prepared to do the transplant, and C. what his priority number is. The priority number in Victoria means so little that it barely rates a mention - it changes almost twice daily; because liver people can go from living quite well to almost dying in just a few short hours.

And that is what life is like as a family member of a liver diseased person. Slowly, over time, you stop planning things. Or, if you do, you make sure you have plans A,B & C as backup. Because, put nicely; you have no idea whether you are going to be able to fulfill the very basic of things.

I am taking a few days annual leave from work as of today. I have worked 60 odd hours for the last 6 months - in addition to hospital/christmas/moving house yada yada. I am looking forward to doing very little else than unpacking my new house and just pottering.

Another lesson - it's all about the small things.

A small piece of trivia I never knew; the liver has over 400 functions in the body!

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